Official Government Website

The State Public Defender Office

The State Public Defender (SPD) is a client-centered agency that thrives on collaboration between our employees and the rest of Idaho’s legal system; promotes equality in every interaction we have with our clients and the public; and requires the utmost integrity in all lawyer-client relationships.

All public defense in Idaho is funded by the state of Idaho and managed by the State Public Defender. Former county employees and contractors associated with public defense are employed or in a contractual relationship with the State of Idaho.

Our employees work to the highest levels of diligence, respect, and compassion for our clients and strive to innovate and find solutions in every case we handle.

The State Public Defender was established by Governor Brad Little and approved by the Idaho Legislature in 2023.

The duties of our agency are spelled out in Idaho code title 19, chapter 60.

Idaho is a geographically and economically diverse state, with distinct rural and urban areas, divided up into seven judicial districts. 

To help the SPD manage public defense in such a diverse state, Idaho Code calls for the employment of a District Public Defender in each of the seven judicial districts to provide insight into public defense in each unique area.

The agency is run by State Public Defender Eric Fredericksen.

The SPD administration team includes Deputy Director Kathleen Elliott; General Counsel Brady King; Litigation Director Doug Nelson; Communication Director Patrick Orr; Principal Financial Specialist Tim Hibbard; Principal Research Analyst Mark LaSalle; and Training and Projects Coordinator Jennifer Cichocki

The SPD’s Alternate Counsel Division is managed by Director Shannon Romero and Contract Coordinator Jared Ricks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the State Public Defender Office?

The Idaho Legislature created the State Public Defender (SPD) office in 2023 to consolidate all public defense in the State under a single agency. This was done to create efficiencies in the system and establish a statewide system with unified standards to ensure any person who is charged with a crime in Idaho and cannot afford an attorney will receive a robust Constitutional legal defense.

Who pays for public defense in Idaho?

The SPD’s budget is funded by legislative appropriations from State dedicated and general funds.

How is the SPD organized?

Eric Fredericksen was nominated by a statutorily authorized committee and appointed by Idaho Governor Brad Little as the State Public Defender in September 2023.  The Office of the State Public Defender is comprised of the SPD and Alternate Counsel Division.  Employees are located throughout Idaho.  

Fredericksen is joined on the SPD administration team by Deputy Director Kathleen Elliott; General Counsel Brady King; Litigation Director Doug Nelson; Operations Director LaDonna Speiser; Communication Director Patrick Orr; Principal Financial Specialist Tim Hibbard; Principal Research Analyst Mark LaSalle; and Training and Projects Coordinator Jennifer Cichocki.

The Alternate Counsel Division is run by Director Shannon Romero and Contract Coordinator Jared Ricks.

Litigation Director Doug Nelson will help manage Idaho’s seven District Public Defenders, who will help manage public defenders and staff in the 12 institutional offices across the state as well as a network of contract public defenders who work in the Idaho counties without an established institutional office.

What counties have institutional public defender offices in Idaho?

Ada, Bannock, Blaine, Bonner, Bonneville, Canyon, Gooding, Jefferson, Kootenai, and Twin Falls counties have established public defender offices. Minidoka and Cassia counties have a combined office as do Power and Oneida counties.  Starting October 1, 2024, the SPD will contract with attorneys in the counties that do not have institutional offices.

What cases will the SPD handle?

For a full list, check out the  State Public Defender Act. A quick summary include:  Felony cases; misdemeanor cases, including appeals to the district court; Juvenile cases; post-conviction procedure act cases; Habeas corpus cases; civil contempt proceedings where incarceration is sought; child protective act proceedings and appeals from adjudicatory decrees or orders identified in Idaho Code 16-1625; and mental health commitment proceedings.

Can I track specific public defense cases through the SPD?

No. The SPD will manage Idaho’s public defense system with public defenders representing clients in all of Idaho’s 44 counties.  The SPD is just like any other law firm in that we maintain the confidentiality of client matters.

How can I track the progress of active criminal cases in Idaho?

The Idaho Supreme Court has a statewide court information website called iCourts where cases in Idaho are searchable by name or case number.  Just select a county from the dropdown menu and “records search” under “Service” and press search. Select “Smart Search” at the bottom of the page. Be sure you have the correct spelling of the person you are looking up. Having a specific case number will make searching more accurate.

How does the State Public Defender get assigned to a case?

Only a judge will be able to appoint the SPD, if the judge determines the person making the request is indigent and that their case is eligible.  

Can I request a public defender? 

If you want to have a public defender appointed, you can apply at the courthouse in the county where you are charged. 

How do I file a public records request?

Click here to find a public records request form.  Once filled out, please email a copy to or mail to Idaho State Public Defender, 322 E. Front St. Suite 590, Boise, ID 83702

How can I access the Public Defense Commission rules?

Under the State Public Defender Act, HB 236 (2023), the SPD has been delegated authority by PDC to enforce their rules, which expire on Oct. 1, 2024. You can find them at

How do I find out information about SPD court cases?

To find information about court cases in Idaho, you can search by the individual’s name using the iCourts online database.

Welcome to the new Idaho Public Defenders' Office Website!

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